10 March 2025


USD to CAD exchange rates

canadian economyexchange ratesUncategorizedUSD TO CADUSD/CAD Commentary

500 USD To CAD

500 USD to CAD foreign currency rate is being traded for various values every day. There are too many variable to count, such as Bank of Canada and Federal Reserve decision making and announcements, cross border trade volumes, and economic indicators such as the unemployment rate. Below we constructed a graph to show what 500 USD would look like in Canadian dollars over the past half decade. Although both the United States and Canada have experience consecutive years of above average and target inflation, the general value of USD to CAD surprisingly has not significantly shifted. $500 USD in 2018 was less the $3 CAD lower than in 2022. Obviously on a short term basis the changes could easily be more significant than annual averages.

500 USD/CAD647.85663.45670.75626.75650.65
500 usd to cad
500 usd to cad

Date from the BOC

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