18 October 2024


USD to CAD exchange rates

canadian dollarcanadian economyexchange ratesUncategorizedUSD TO CADUSD/CAD Commentary

Canadian Dollar Will Only Get Worse

In recent times, the Canadian dollar (CAD) has been facing a myriad of challenges, which are contributing to its sustained depreciation. From policy shifts to economic indicators, several factors paint a bleak picture for the CAD’s future. In this article, we delve into the reasons why the value of the Canadian dollar is set to continue its downward trajectory.

canadian dollar decreasing

1. Increased Capital Gains Tax and Decreasing Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)

The recent implementation of higher capital gains tax rates in Canada has sent ripples through the investment community. This move, combined with existing concerns over the ease of doing business in Canada and uncertainties surrounding economic policies, has led to a decline in foreign direct investment. According to a report by the Canadian Trade Commissioner Service, FDI inflows have been dwindling steadily over the past few years, placing further pressure on the CAD’s value [1].

2. High Inflation

Canada has been grappling with persistently high inflation rates, eroding the purchasing power of the Canadian dollar. The latest data from Statistics Canada revealed that inflation surged to a multi-year high, driven by soaring energy prices and supply chain disruptions [2]. Such rampant inflation not only undermines consumer confidence but also deters foreign investors, as it diminishes the attractiveness of Canadian assets.

3. Threat of Rate Cut Amidst High Inflation by the Bank of Canada

In a bid to curb inflationary pressures, the Bank of Canada faces a delicate balancing act. While raising interest rates could help rein in inflation, it risks stalling economic growth and exacerbating the debt burden. On the other hand, lowering interest rates to stimulate economic activity could further fuel inflationary trends. The latter scenario, a rate cut during high inflation, poses a significant downside risk for the Canadian dollar, as it signals a lack of confidence in the economy’s ability to manage inflation effectively.

4. Critique of Statistics Canada’s CPI Data Collection

Despite the importance of accurate inflation data for informed decision-making, Statistics Canada has come under scrutiny for its Consumer Price Index (CPI) methodology. Critics argue that the CPI fails to capture real-world pricing dynamics, particularly in sectors experiencing rapid price changes or structural shifts. Flaws in CPI measurement could lead to misguided monetary policies and exacerbate inflationary pressures, further undermining the CAD’s value.

5. Chronic Current Account Deficits

Canada’s persistent current account deficits represent a fundamental imbalance in its international trade and investment flows. The country consistently imports more goods and services than it exports, relying heavily on foreign capital to finance its consumption and investment needs. Such chronic deficits exert downward pressure on the Canadian dollar, reflecting the country’s reliance on external financing to sustain its standard of living.

In conclusion, the Canadian dollar’s decline is multifaceted, stemming from a combination of policy decisions, economic fundamentals, and structural challenges. Addressing these underlying issues will be crucial in restoring confidence in the CAD and fostering sustainable economic growth.


  1. Canadian Trade Commissioner Service. “Foreign Direct Investment in Canada: Key Facts and Trends.”
  2. Statistics Canada. “Consumer Price Index, February 2024.” https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/daily-quotidien/240319/dq240319a-eng.htm